Generative AI Weekly Newsletter — Issue #8

Jim Clyde Monge
Generative AI
Published in
3 min readMar 24, 2024


Hey friends,

Welcome to Generative AI Publication’s weekly newsletter, issue #8.

It’s another week packed with huge, exciting news on generative AI space. Some of the highlights are the following:

  • Emad Mostaque resigns from Stability AI as CEO.
  • Apple announcing their multimodal language model
  • Google releases Gemini API to everyone

These are just the biggest headlines — there are lots of other exciting updates in this week’s newsletter. Let’s dive in!

🚀 Top stories of the week

Here’s a quick look at the most exciting AI news of the week.

🌟 Boosted stories of the week

This week, we’re highlighting these great pieces written by our top contributors.

Explore more boosted stories here.

✍️ Editor’s pick

Our editors chose these fascinating articles for you to explore.

Explore more of our editor’s picks here.

💬 Quote of the Week

“The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim.” — Edsger W. Dijkstra

That’s all for now! I hope you found something interesting, or at least vaguely useful, in this newsletter. If you have any questions, or ideas for future editions, or want to chat about the fascinating world of AI, then reach out to us in the comments.

Until next time,


