Fine-Tuning LLMs with Custom Datasets: A Deep Dive into Customizing Natural Language Processing

Shreya Sri
Generative AI
Published in
9 min readMar 30, 2024


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Fine-tuning a pre-trained language model on custom datasets is akin to taking a well-trained chef and teaching them your family’s secret recipes. The chef already knows how to cook, but by fine-tuning their skills to your specific tastes, they can create dishes that are uniquely tailored to your palate.

Imagine you’re a movie director working on a new blockbuster. You have the script, the actors, and the sets, but you need help bringing your characters to life through their dialogue. This is where Language models come in. Originally trained on a vast amount of internet text, LLM’s have a general understanding of language and can generate coherent and contextually relevant text. However, to make your movie truly special, you want the characters’ dialogue to be engaging, witty, and true to their personalities. This is where fine-tuning comes into play.

Fine Tuning Process

By fine-tuning LLM’s on a dataset of movie scripts, you can teach the model the specific nuances of movie dialogue, such as character quirks, genre conventions, and emotional depth. This allows the model to generate dialogue that feels like it was written by a seasoned screenwriter, enhancing the overall quality of your movie.

For more detailed and nuanced information on fine-tuning LLMs, read the following article.

Fine-Tuning Language Models: A Hands-On Guide

In this guide, we will walk through the process of fine-tuning LLM’s on a dataset of movie scripts using the Hugging Face Transformers library. This guide will provide you with the knowledge and tools to fine-tune LLM’s for your specific needs.

Preparing Your Dataset

Before you embark on the journey of fine-tuning your Large Language Model (LLM), it’s essential to curate and prepare your custom dataset. Your dataset is the foundation upon which the fine-tuned model will be built, and its quality and relevance are key to the success of the fine-tuning process.

Your custom dataset should be in a text format, with each line containing a single piece of text or document. This format allows your LLM to process the data effectively and learn from it. The richness and diversity of your dataset play a crucial role in shaping the performance of the fine-tuned model. The more diverse and representative your dataset is of the target task or domain, the better the fine-tuned model will perform.

For instance, if your goal is to fine-tune your LLM for sentiment analysis, your dataset could comprise customer reviews labeled with their corresponding sentiment (positive, negative, neutral). By including a wide range of sentiments and language styles, you can ensure that the fine-tuned model learns to capture the nuances of sentiment in natural language.

Similarly, if you are fine-tuning your LLM for text generation, your dataset could consist of a collection of poems, stories, or other creative works. This diverse range of texts will help the model learn the intricacies of language and style, enabling it to generate creative and engaging text.

In essence, the key to preparing your custom dataset lies in its diversity and relevance to the target task or domain. By curating a dataset that is rich in variety and representative of the language patterns you want the model to learn, you can set the stage for a successful fine-tuning process and unlock the full potential of your LLM.

Tokenization and Data Encoding

Once we have our dataset ready, the next step is to tokenize and encode the data for training. Tokenization is a fundamental process in natural language processing (NLP) that involves breaking down text into smaller units called tokens. These tokens can be words, subwords, or characters, depending on the tokenization strategy used. Tokenization allows the model to understand the structure of the text and process it more efficiently.

For example, consider the sentence “I love natural language processing.” After tokenization, this sentence might be represented as [“I”, “love”, “natural”, “language”, “processing”, “.”]. Each token represents a meaningful unit of the sentence, making it easier for the model to understand the text.

Encoding is the process of converting these tokens into numerical representations that can be understood by the model. Each token is mapped to a unique numerical value, which allows the model to process the text mathematically. This numerical representation is crucial for the model to learn patterns and relationships within the text.

For example, the tokens [“I”, “love”, “natural”, “language”, “processing”, “.”] might be encoded as [10, 25, 103, 42, 78, 5]. These numerical values can then be fed into the model for training.

In the context of fine-tuning a language model like LLM, tokenization and encoding are essential steps that enable the model to understand the structure of the text and learn from it effectively. By breaking down the text into tokens and converting them into numerical representations, we provide the model with the necessary information to process and learn from our custom dataset.

from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, TextDataset, DataCollatorForLanguageModeling

tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')
train_dataset = TextDataset(

In this code, we use the GPT2Tokenizer class to tokenize the text and create a TextDataset object, which handles the encoding of text into numerical tokens. The block_size parameter specifies the maximum length of sequences used for training.

Setting Up the Fine-Tuning Process

With the dataset tokenized and encoded, we are ready to set up the fine-tuning process. This involves configuring several components to ensure the training process runs smoothly and effectively.

Firstly, we need to define the training arguments, which specify various settings for the training process. This includes the output directory where the fine-tuned model and training logs will be saved, the number of training epochs (iterations), the batch size (number of samples processed in each training step), and the frequency at which checkpoints of the model will be saved. These settings are crucial for controlling the training process and optimizing the performance of the fine-tuned model.

Next, we need to create a data collator, which is responsible for batching and padding sequences of tokens before they are fed into the model. The data collator ensures that sequences of different lengths are processed correctly and efficiently during training.

Finally, we initialize a Trainer object, which coordinates the training process. The Trainer takes the pre-trained LLM, the training arguments, the data collator, and the training dataset as inputs, and manages the entire training loop.

By setting up these components, we are ready to fine-tune our LLM on our custom dataset. The training arguments control the training process, the data collator prepares the input data for the model, and the Trainer manages the training loop, allowing us to optimize the model’s performance and achieve our desired results.

from transformers import Trainer, TrainingArguments, GPT2LMHeadModel

model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('gpt2')

training_args = TrainingArguments(

data_collator = DataCollatorForLanguageModeling(

trainer = Trainer(

In this code, we create a TrainingArguments object to define training settings such as the output directory, number of epochs, and batch size. We also create a DataCollatorForLanguageModeling object to batch and pad sequences, and a Trainer object with the pre-trained GPT-2 model, training arguments, data collator, and training dataset.

Training the Fine-Tuned Model

With everything set up, we are now ready to embark on the exciting journey of training our fine-tuned model. This is where the magic happens, as our model learns from the rich and diverse dataset we have prepared, honing its skills to generate text that is more specific to the movie script domain. The `trainer.train()` method kicks off the training process, during which the model iteratively learns from the dataset to improve its performance. This process involves adjusting the model’s internal parameters based on the input data, a process known as backpropagation, and updating the model’s weights to minimize the loss function, which measures the difference between the model’s predictions and the actual data.

As the training progresses, the model gradually becomes more proficient at generating text that adheres to the conventions and nuances of movie scripts. It learns to capture the unique dialogue styles of different characters, the pacing of scenes, and the overall narrative flow, all of which contribute to its ability to generate realistic and engaging movie-like dialogue. Through this iterative process, the model refines its understanding of the movie script domain, leveraging the knowledge it gains from the dataset to enhance its performance. By the end of the training process, the model will have transformed into a powerful tool for generating movie-like dialogue, capable of producing text that is not only coherent and contextually relevant but also imbued with the creativity and flair of a seasoned screenwriter.


During training, the model learns to generate text that is more specific to the movie script domain, improving its performance on our custom dataset.

Evaluating the Fine-Tuned Model

Once training is complete, the next crucial step is to evaluate the performance of our fine-tuned model. This evaluation process helps us understand how well our model has learned from the training data and how effectively it can generalize to unseen data. To do this, we use a separate validation or test dataset that was not used during training. This dataset should be representative of the task or domain we are interested in, ensuring that our evaluation is meaningful and reliable.

In the code snippet provided, we create a TextDataset object for our evaluation dataset, using the same tokenizer that was used for training. This ensures that the text is tokenized in the same way for both training and evaluation, maintaining consistency. The block_size parameter specifies the maximum length of sequences used for evaluation, ensuring that the evaluation process is efficient and does not exceed the model’s capabilities.

The evaluate method then computes the evaluation loss of the model on the validation dataset. This evaluation loss is a measure of how well the model’s predictions match the actual data in the validation dataset. A lower evaluation loss indicates that the model is performing well on the validation dataset, while a higher evaluation loss may indicate that the model is not generalizing effectively. By analyzing the evaluation loss, we can gain insights into the performance of our fine-tuned model and identify areas for improvement.

eval_dataset = TextDataset(

eval_loss = trainer.evaluate(eval_dataset)['eval_loss']

The evaluate method computes the evaluation loss of the model on the validation dataset, providing a measure of its performance.


fine-tuning a pre-trained language model like LLM on custom datasets offers a powerful means of tailoring the model to specific tasks and domains. Following the steps outlined in this guide can enable you to fine-tune LLM for your own natural language processing tasks, achieving state-of-the-art performance and relevance for your applications. Once the fine-tuning process is complete, evaluating the model on a separate validation or test dataset is crucial to assess its performance and generalization ability. By analyzing the evaluation loss and other metrics, you can gain insights into the model’s strengths and areas for improvement, guiding further refinements and optimizations. For more detailed information on fine-tuning LLMs, refer the following article.

Fine-Tuning Language Models: A Hands-On Guide

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